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Feichave São Paulo - 23/11/2019

Agradecemos a participação de todos que estiveram conosco na última Feichave do ano em São Paulo! Nos vemos no próximo evento!

Reparasul 2019 - 20/11/2019

Em nossa primeira participação na feira, levamos nossas soluções para área de imobilizadores, diagnóstico de motocicletas e reparação de Ecu's. Confira alguns momentos!

Salão Duas Rodas 2019! - 18/11/2019

A CHIPTRONIC marcou presença no Salão Duas Rodas 2019, que foi um sucesso!Entre nossas soluções de tecnologia apresentadas no evento, para a área de motocicletas o Motodiag - nosso scanner para motocicletas, para as linhas: náutica, street e off-road - foi um dos grandes destaques! Além do lançamento de sua nova versão a V18. Se você ficou de fora, não se preocupe vemos você em nossos próximos eventos!

Fenatran 2019! - 14/10/2019

A Fenatran 2019 ocorreu neste mês, dos dias 14 a 18 de outubro. E foi cheia de novidades, lançamentos e soluções para negócios. Mal podemos esperar pela próxima, mas até lá nos vemos novamente em nossos próximos eventos!

Autonor 2019 - 11/09/2019

Agradecemos a todos que participaram conosco da Autonor 2019! Nos vemos na próxima feira!

Automechanika México - 10/07/2019

Agradecemos a presença de todos que participaram conosco de mais uma edição da feira Automechanika realizada no México! Esperamos vocês nos próximos eventos!

1° Workshop clube do chaveiro - 30/06/2019

Agradecemos a todos que participaram conosco do 1° Workshop do Clube do Chaveiro! Nos vemos no próximo evento!

Expoparts Bogotá - 05/06/2019

Agradecemos a todos los que estuvieron con nosotros en la Expoparts y de nuestras charlas en Bogotá, Colombia! ¡Nos vemos en los próximos eventos!

Feichave Campo Grande-MS - 26/05/2019

Agradecemos a participação de todos que estiveram conosco na Feichave de Campo Grande! Nos vemos no próximo evento!

Missão Comercial África do Sul Autopeças - 20/05/2019

Agradecemos a todos que participaram conosco da Missão Comercial África do Sul - Autopeças! Nos vemos nos próximos eventos!

Automec 2019 - 23/04/2019

<p style="margin: 10px 0px; padding: 0px; box-sizing: border-box; outline: none; unicode-bidi: embed; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: 100%; color: rgb(102, 102, 102); font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; line-height: 24px;"><span style="box-sizing:border-box; color:rgb(0, 0, 0); margin:0px; outline:none; padding:0px">Gostaríamos de agradecer a todos que, direta ou indiretamente, colaboraram para o sucesso da Automec 2019! Cada um é peça fundamental para o crescimento da Chiptronic. </span></p><p style="margin: 10px 0px; padding: 0px; box-sizing: border-box; outline: none; unicode-bidi: embed; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: 100%; color: rgb(102, 102, 102); font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; line-height: 24px;"><span style="box-sizing:border-box; color:rgb(0, 0, 0); margin:0px; outline:none; padding:0px">Este ano, batemos vários recordes na Automec e </span><span style="box-sizing:border-box; color:rgb(0, 0, 0); margin:0px; outline:none; padding:0px">além do nosso estande, também estivemos presentes…

Feichave São Paulo - 24/11/2018

<p><p><p>No dia 24 de novembro, a Chiptronic marcou presença em mais uma edição da Feichave, desta vez, na cidade de São Paulo. </p><p> </p><p>Com muitos lançamentos e novidades, foi possível mostrar que estamos trabalhando forte para desenvolver as necessidades de nossos clientes. </p><p> </p><p>Agradecemos a presença de todos que passaram em nosso estande e tiveram a oportunidade de conversar com um de nossos colaboradores. E também, aos envolvidos na realização deste evento.</p></p></p>

AUTOP 2018. - 15/08/2018

<p>Apostando mais uma vez no potencial que a região nordeste possui, a CHIPTRONIC marcou presença na Feira AUTOP, que aconteceu nos dias 15 a 18 de agosto de 2018 em Fortaleza, Ceará.</p><p>Com nossa equipe de consultores presente no local, apresentamos as soluções tecnológicas desenvolvidas para o segmento automotivo.</p><p>A CHIPTRONIC agradece todos os visitantes que passaram em nosso estande e foram importantes para o sucesso de mais esse evento. </p>

AUTOPAR - Curitiba - 06/06/2018

 A Chiptronic marcou presença em mais um evento! Desta vez, na AUTOPAR 2018, que aconteceu em Curitiba, nos dias 6 a 9 de junho.A feira reuniu mais de 500 expositores e tivemos a oportunidade de expor e fazer demonstrações técnicas dos nossos equipamentos da linha leve, moto e diesel.Com visitação de empresários, compradores da indústria automotiva, comerciantes de autopeças e acessórios e representantes de oficinas mecânicas, foi um grande sucesso estar presente em uma das maiores feiras do setor automotivo. 

Colômbia - 05/06/2017

A CHIPTRONIC participou do evento internacional Expopartes em Bogotá - Colômbia, realizado nos dias 7 a 9 de Junho. Também tivemos a Palestra técnica sobre motos com injeção eletrônica que foi um sucesso! Mais uma vez a CHIPTRONIC marcando presença em grandes eventos, fortalecendo sua marca para o Brasil e o Mundo.

Automechanika Dubai - 07/05/2017

<p>A Chiptronic esteve presente pela terceira vez consecutiva na Automechanika Dubai, realizada entre os dias 7 e 9 de maio de 2017, no Dubai World Trade Center, nos Emirados Árabes. </p><p>Considerado um dos eventos mais importantes do Oriente Médio voltado ao setor automotivo, a feira oferece grandes oportunidades de novos negócios com o mercado europeu, asiático e africano, exibindo as grandes tendências para o mercado automotivo.</p><p> </p>

IRAN-Brazil AUTO PARTS - 07/05/2017

Com sua forte infra-estrutura industrial e uma rede de comércio internacional bem desenvolvida, o Brasil foi considerado um parceiro industrial e comercial confiável a longo prazo para a indústria automobilística do Irã. Neste sentido, a Associação de Fabricantes de Peças de Automóveis do Brasil (Sindipeças), organizou uma delegação composta pelas 10 maiores empresas brasileiras de autopeças , que visitaram a capital iraniana - Teerã - no mês de maio de 2017.Orgulhosamente, a Chiptronic fez parte dessa missão comercial que afirmou a premissa do quão interessante pode ser o mercado iraniano às empresas brasileiras. 


A Chiptronic esteve presente na maior exposição mundial de tecnologia em reparação automotiva: A Automechanika Frankfurt, que está aconteceu entre os dias 13 e 17 de setembro, na Alemanha.A empresa, que colocou um esforço especial nas exportações há dois anos e com isso já conseguiu entrar nos mercados do México, Colômbia, Argentina, Chile e Peru; intensifica agora os negócios também no continente europeu.

Autop 2016 - 10/08/2016

A Chiptronic marcou presença na Feira AUTOP Ceará, que aconteceu na última semana nos dias 10, 11, 12 e 13 de agosto.O evento reuniu os maiores fabricantes de autopeças, motopeças, equipamentos e serviços para o setor automobilístico. A feira, que pela primeira vez contou com empresas expositoras distribuidoras, mas exclusivamente fabricantes, com o intuito de fortalecer o evento em nível nacional, apostando no potencial que a região nordeste tem para este mercado.A fim de trocar conhecimentos e experiências, a equipe de consultores da Chiptronic esteve presente em seu estande apresentando soluções inovadoras no segmento da Tecnologia Automotiva para os visitantes através de equipamentos, softwares, cursos profissionalizantes e soluções para o…

Rota do Reparador - Recife/PE - 02/08/2016

Você já sabe como é importante que o reparador automotivo se mantenha atualizado, correto? A todo o momento, os instrumentos de reparação e módulos são modificados e aprimorados, e a atualização constante é essencial para que os profissionais dessa área não fiquem para trás. Existem várias formas para garantir sua especialização: cursos, palestras, feiras, dentre outros. A Rota do Reparador é um exemplo disso: durante parte do ano de 2016, está levando aos reparadores independentes de diversos lugares do Brasil todo o conhecimento e oportunidade de acompanhar as novidades das maiores empresas do segmento. E sabe o que é melhor? A participação nesse evento é totalmente gratuita e ainda garante um…

Palestra técnica no SENAI em Vitória/ES - 02/08/2016

Estivemos no Espírito Santo, levando mais uma palestra técnica abordando as novidades sobre injeção eletrônica de motocicletas. Veja abaixo algumas fotos desses eventos, onde contamos com a participação de um de nossos representantes capixabas, além de muitas pessoas interessadas em melhorar e aprimorar seu atendimento, além ficar por dentro de todas as novidades do meio.

TecShow Diesel - 23/07/2016

TecShow Diesel, é um evento voltado para a eletrônica embarcada em veículos diesel que aconteceu em Goiânia/GO no dia 23 de julho, e levou instrutores que entendem do assunto para falar sobre a reparação em módulos, destacando novas tecnologias, dicas técnicas e as oportunidades que este mercado oferece.

Estréia em Goiânia - 23/07/2016

Procurando abranger não só o público relacionado à linha diesel, houve a estreia do curso de injeção eletrônica de motos de alta cilindrada, que aconteceu nos dias 23 e 24 de julho. Neste curso, os instrutores puderam mostrar detalhadamente durante as aulas as maiores novidades da injeção eletrônica voltada ao segmento de motocicletas, sensores, atuadores, e alguns procedimentos da programação de chaves.

Circuito Chiptronic - 21/05/2016

A nossa equipe agradece imensamente aos amigos soteropolitanos e a todos da região que compareceram ao evento e assistiram às nossas palestras, compartilhando dessa incrível experiência com a gente!A Chiptronic considera muito gratificante poder fazer parte do desenvolvimento de profissionais reparadores, técnicos, estudantes e todos os demais interessados que acreditam no poder da inovação em tecnologia automotiva.

Lecture - ETEC Piraju - 24/11/2015

Etec from Piraju has performed during a week, events related to CIPA. The intention was to promote lectures and works that would take significant information about the matter to the students.CHIPTRONIC has took part with the presentation of a lecture about the matter, besides the showing of how was and it’s being the work of CIPA inside the company.

Mexico event - 17/11/2015

CHIPTRONIC was in Mexico performing technical lectures about automotive immobilizers, besides taking part in na event in Guadalajara.Besides the events that counted on the participation of professionals in the region, several technical visits were done in workshops in the segment of Motorcycles and Autos, with the partnership of distributors that perform the wokr in the country.During CHIPTRONIC’s days in Mexico, the work done had a huge value, being possible to create new partnerships and a service to the customers who had the opportunity to know more about our company, besides the work of development, thus increasing the coverage of the tools.

Meeting of Motorcyclists Piraju - 14/11/2015

In November was held the motorcyclist’s meetingof Garras motorcycle group, the participation and the technical support of the company CHIPTRONIC, which performed free diagnostic on motorcycles with electronic injection, and presented the big release of the year in the segment, the MOTOCONNECT.There was a lot of exchange of information between the company and the participants, and many motorcycles passed through the diagnosis of MOTODIAG equipment.Another successful event with the presence of CHIPTRONIC.

AUTONOR 2015 - 15/09/2015

In September happened the biggest fair of the automotive segment of the Northeast, the AUTONOR.CHIPTRONIC held its greater participation in the event, showing all its products, in addition to be able to meet and visit partner companies of the region.It was a large scale event and has generated great expectations of continuity of work in the region

Lecture - Senai Santos - 18/08/2015

Technical Lecture with the exhibition of the trends on the Diesel segment, in addition to the presentation of the solutions developed by CHIIPTRONIC.The event was held in partnership with Senai of Santos, and was attended by businessmen from the region working in the automotive area and students of courses of the segment.The exchange of information held in this type of event is critical to the continued development work because it understands the need for who's on a daily basis, and also to participants who receive current information and have the possibility to exchange experiences with other companies in the area.

Event Argentina - 11/07/2015

International event held in partnership with the Argentine company Transkey.On this occasion was held presentation of new software for the OBDMAP equipment, plus great deals that have made the partnership evolve from time to time.Today the OBDMAP performs functions that include the Argentine market, besides being the most equipment has grown in the country. This occurs due to technical support and the ease of working with the equipment, which in addition to translation, provides local technical assistance.

Event United Arab Emirates - Dubai - 02/06/2015

In partnership with Apex Brazil the CHIPTRONIC participated in the International Auto Parts event that was held in June 2015. At the time it was presented the main equipment developed by the company, with a main focus on diesel line, with ECU-TEST DIESEL PRO.Once again the CHIPTRONIC presence at major events, strengthening its brand for Brazil and the world.

Lecture - Senai Aracaju - 25/05/2015

CHIPTRONIC was present at an event of the Auto parts segment in the city of Johannesburg, South Africa.The participation was held in partnership with Apex Brazil, who took prominent companies to present their products to the international market.The event happened in May and included the participation of companies from all over the world.

South Africa event - Johannesburg - 11/05/2015

CHIPTRONIC was present at an event of the Auto parts segment in the city of Johannesburg, South Africa.The participation was held in partnership with Apex Brazil, who took prominent companies to present their products to the international market.The event happened in May and included the participation of companies from all over the world.


The first SIPAT, CHIPTRONIC internal week for accident prevention at work.The week was held in order to promote the prevented thinking and the ideas that CIPA provides.There were lectures on relevant matters, and presentation of the CPFL on the method and the importance of the work in accordance with regulations of the CIPA, besides the participation of a physiotherapist who applied physical exercises in all employees.

Automec Leve 2015 - 07/04/2015

From 07 to 11 April 2015, the Chiptronic Automotive Technology team was at Automec fair.The event, which took place in São Paulo in Anhembi, featured more than 1200 brands in the national and international scenario facing the automotive sector technology, and gathered approximately 70 1000 visitors. The fair is one of the biggest events of Latin America facing the industry, and is a benchmark when it comes to disclosure and meeting with the main brands, suppliers, distributors and workshops.In this fair, the Chiptronic issued their equipment for repair of Autos among them ECU Repair, OBDMAP, EXACT pro. Salespeople and technicians have attended people to remove all possible doubts about the…

Lecture - Senai Cachoeirinha Manaus - 16/02/2015

CHIPTRONIC held in partnership with Senai of Cachoeirinha in Manaus a talk about market trends.Another successful partnership, bringing relevant information to participants and causing the CHIPTRONIC can take its name to the whole Brazil.

Lectures on Natal and Caruaru - 02/02/2015

Lectures on Natal and Caruaru



Automechanika Argentina - 12/11/2014

The eighth edition of Automechanika Buenos Aires, held in 12 to 15 days of November, at the exposition venue La Rural, focusing mainly the professionals in South America, but has received along his career exhibitors from various parts of the world.Chiptronic was also present, exposing your automotive repair equipment in order to disseminate and present their innovations to the market of South America.

Lecture at the Escuela Argentina - 14/08/2014

Chiptronic, as one of the major references in both the automotive and motorcycle lines, search always take their customers information about the latest trends for the segment.In addition to showing the use of several tools that assist the professional day in and day out, our technical team, in partnership with the Escuela Argentina de Automotores, was present on 14th and 15th of August 2014enabling students of the vocational training centreargentino in acquiring a greater knowledge about electronic fuel injection and diesel bike lines, making who already work or plan to open your business is always connected to what's new on the market.

Salão MOTOPEC - 13/08/2014


Autopar 2014 - 04/06/2014

The 7th Edition of the fair of Suppliers of the automotive industry (Autopar), largest event on the automotive industry of the State of Paraná, was held from 04 and 07 June 2014 in Pinhais, Curitiba metropolitan region. During the 4 days, the event received some 50 1000 visitors, among which were merchants, businessmen, among other professionals, including from abroad. The Chiptronic, always seeking to innovate and be part of the largest trade shows and events in the sector, participated in the Autopar showing the latest tools OBDMap, ECU Test, Dieseldiag, in addition to other equipment which enable the automotive industry professionals with greater ease to carry out their work

Automec Heavy & Commercial - 01/04/2014

Chiptronic team has been participating in between the days 1-5 April 2014 Automec fair trade and heavy, in its fourth edition in São Paulo-SP at the Anhembi exhibitions Pavilion.The event brings together the latest trends and innovations in the sector of equipment and services for heavy and commercial vehicles, which offers its visitors the possibility to get to know the latest trends in the industry.With more than 500 national and international brands confirmed in Automec, where you can also check the exposure of our equipment, demonstration of operation and ensure the convenience in using them.

Motomagazine - 21/03/2014

The traditional Motomagazine event was held in Campina Grande in Paraíba, from 21 to 23 of March 2014.In 3 days, the Chiptronic featured a coach of his own team in its stand, to demonstrate the diagnostic scanner Motodiag motorcycle, ways to work with the equipment, convenience, agility you earn using, and assists them if they could have more technical questions about the tool.

Salão Duas Rodas - 08/10/2013

Chiptronic Automotive Technology attended the 2013 Edition of the Salão Duas Rodas that happened between the 08 and October 13. The event, a reference in the world when it comes to exposure and product innovation of the motorcycling sector, met big brands and the latest releases of the market, and the Chiptronic couldn't be left out.In addition to a broad vision of the news of the two-wheel market, our team showed some of its equipment for the technology and repair of motorcycles.

Automec - 16/04/2013

Chiptronic Automotive Technology participated in the 11th edition of Automec, biggest event of the automotive industry of Latin America. The event is intended to enable the meeting of numerous companies, are distributors, retailers or workshops, so that there is an exchange of experiences and dissemination of the latest news from the national and international market. The fair was held in São Paulo, and featured more than 70 1000 visitors.Our team, in addition to closely monitor the latest trends, might also take questions and talk directly with the customer about the functions of the Chiptronic equipment.

Lecture immobilizers Argentina - Transkey - 02/12/2012

Recently, topics of current technology shipped in vehicles, comes filling auditoriums across Brazil and some country of MERCOSUR, as in this speech that happened in Argentina.As the Automotive Immobilizer System is an innovation on the market, was prepared this educational lecture where the speakers and vendors who understand much about it, might explain its features, why, and where did the systems, ways of working and generate profit for mechanical workshops that may work with immobilizers.In order to update and make this technology more accessible to shops that are also outside of Brazil.

Salón de la Motocicleta México - 18/10/2012

Salón de la Motocicleta México

Regional Event Piraju - 28/09/2012

Chiptronic is present in several events of the automobile and motorcycle sectors, be they national or international. That's why our team did not fail to attend the event in the city of Piraju, São Paulo, where the company is located. Meeting was held on 28 and 29 September.The Chiptronic group has received in its stand customers to ask questions, offer tips, in addition to the free diagnosis of your motorcycles using the Motodiag, a diagnostic scanner for Chiptronic motorcycles.(28 and 29 September 2012)

Hall of Motorcycle Parts 2012 - 01/08/2012

The event took place from 01 to 04 August 2012, the yellow Pavilion Expo Center Norte, in São Paulo (SP), where it was presented the news and releases from major brands and companies in the sector of motorcycle spare parts, involving the entire segment.Chiptronic seeking to deepen their efforts to meet and present their novelties, was also participating, with the exhibition of his motorcycle repair equipment, in order to strengthen relationships and gain new customers. During the four days of the public visitation took questions on the stand with his team of technicians and sales people, providing important new business and professional contacts.

Salão Bike Show Rio 2012 - 26/01/2012

The Chiptronic team was present at the Salon Bike Show bringing news of some equipment, such as the Motodiag, an essential tool for anyone working in the business and want to increase productivity and efficiency in its services. The event took place 26 to 29 January 2012 in Rio de Janeiro. The event was a realization of Indigo and Brazil has as partners the company Octaplan, as well as the Federation of Motorcycle Clubs of Rio de Janeiro (FMCRJ) and the Association of motorcyclists in the State of Rio de Janeiro (AMO-RJ). Many people were visiting the site, which attracted major automakers, dealers and motorcycle stores.

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